
American association of colleges of nursing | GNSA | graduate nursing student academy | 2024 Graduate Nursing Student Academy Conference | August 1-2, 2024| Washington, DC

Past GNSA Conferences

Please note that photos of this event will be taken and may be publicly displayed.

2023 GNSA Conference

2022 GNSA Conference

2018 GNSA Conference


“The GNSA conference provided a safe and nurturing environment to present my first poster. I felt very comfortable, and it was a great way to gain experience!”

“I absolutely loved this conference. I learned so much. The speakers were so informative and kept me engaged. Very inspiring.”

“This was my first nursing leadership conference, and it exceeded my expectations.”

“I met some wonderful leaders from all levels of practice, and I was so impressed with the wealth of information shared.”

“It was very motivational and will guide my doctoral pursuit.”

“I have new techniques and knowledge that I will apply to publishing, social media, and designing educational materials/curriculum.”

“Excellent conference with an exceptional array of nursing speakers who could really speak to all the diversity within nursing.”

For questions, contact the student services team today!

Phone: 202-463-6930     |       Email: gnsa@aacnnursing.org     |    Website: www.aacnnursing.org/gnsa