
The Essentials

Guides & Talking Points

Explore AACN's comprehensive guides and talking points designed to navigate the landscape of Competency-Based Education (CBE). From Guiding Principles on CBE implementation to the Essentials Competency Assessment Framework, these resources provide a roadmap for educators, practice partners, prospective nursing students, and development officers. 

To view the resources, click on the tabs and learn more button to download guides and talking points.

Higher Ed Talking Points

NEW!  What Higher Education Leaders Need to Know About the AACN Essentials

Explore practical steps higher education leaders can take to support their nursing schools with the curricular transition needed to prepare more practice-ready graduates.

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  • Guiding Principles on Competency-Based Education & Assessment*

    This guide aids faculty transitioning to competency-based curricula, emphasizing outcome competencies, sequenced progression, tailored learning, competency-focused instruction, and programmatic assessment.

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  • Competency Assessment Tools

    The Framework represents a student's competency journey, covering entry and advanced nursing education levels, fostering a shared understanding of CBE.

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  • Guide to Curricular Transition for Competency-Based Education

    This guide aids nurse educators in transitioning to competency-based education, offering key concepts for curriculum focus and preparing practice-ready nurses.

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  • What Higher Education Leaders Need to Know About the AACN Essentials

    This guide outlines how higher education leaders can facilitate the transition to Competency-Based Education (CBE) by assisting their nursing schools in a variety of ways during the curricular transition.

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  • What Practice Partners Need to Know About the AACN Essentials*

    This guide outlines how to engage with practice partners, emphasizing the need for transformative collaboration between academia and practice to prepare nurses.

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  • What Prospective Nursing Students Need to Know About the AACN Essentials*

    This guide assists admissions professionals in explaining how CBE differs from other models of nursing education and how students benefit from this approach.

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  • What Development Officers Need to Know About the Essentials*

    This guide is for development officers, outlining nursing education changes, highlighting CBE distinctions, and offering insights on transitioning, implementing Essentials, and donor appeal.

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  • Vision for Sharing Data and Information Across Nursing Education, Practice, and Regulation

    This resource guides nursing education stakeholders, including member schools, accreditors, and students, in implementing technology aligned with the Essentials and standards that promote communication and sharing across the academic nursing community.

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* Available for purchasing through AACN's Online Store.

AACN White Paper

Practice Experiences in Entry-Level Post-Licensure Nursing Programs

On April 15, 2024, the AACN Board of Directors endorsed a new white paper titled Practice Experiences in Entry-Level Post-Licensure Nursing Programs. This document replaces a previous version titled Expectations for Practice Experiences in RN to Baccalaureate Curriculum that was released in 2012. The white paper was revised to reflect changes in health care and align with the expectations for entry-level post-licensure programs outlined in the 2021 AACN Essentials.

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