
Marketing Committee Volunteers

The Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) is currently recruiting volunteers to serve on the CNC Marketing Committee.

Available Positions

One Marketing Committee position is available

  • One position from academia

All positions require a two-year term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026. Individuals may be reappointed.

Composition of the Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee includes four members – two from the CNC Board of Commissioners and two CNLs (one from the practice setting and one from the educational setting).

The CNC Board of Commissioners’ Nominating Committee will evaluate the applications submitted and propose a slate of qualified candidates to fill the vacant positions. The CNC Board of Commissioners will review the qualifications and make the selections for appointments. Individuals with experience in marketing, public relations, or CNL outreach, will be given preference. The individuals appointed must have earned the CNL credential.

Slate Selection Criteria:

  • Need for representation across academic/practice setting, demographic information, and geographical regions;
  • Need for representatives reflecting subject matter expert diversity;
  • Special consideration will be given to candidates with previous service on national boards and committees, distinguished awards and special recognitions, research/ scholarship, and/or thought leadership; and,
  • Conflict of interest. 


The charge of the Marketing Committee is to promote the value of CNL certification. The committee is responsible for developing strategies to:

  • Implement, monitor, and evaluate the marketing plan.
  • Promote the CNC brand image.
  • Educate and market CNL certification to key stakeholders.
  • Promote recertification.

The Committee will:

  • Review and evaluate marketing materials.
  • Review sponsorship applications.
  • Review CNC website.
  • Develop marketing campaigns.
  • Collaborate with CNC staff.
  • Participate in three web-meetings per year – August, January, and May (additional conference calls may be scheduled as necessary). Committee members who miss two consecutive meetings may be required to relinquish their position.

Application Checklist

To apply, please submit:

  • Application Form
  • Career Summary of Qualifications (500 words maximum)
  • Current Curriculum Vita/Resume
  • Enclosed Consent Statement Form

Applications must be received at the CNC by March 18, 2024.

Submit the application to CNC Staff at cnl@aacnnursing.org

Applicants will be notified by June 15, 2024 of the CNCBOC action regarding appointments.

For more information about the CNC, go to http://www.aacnnursing.org/CNL-Certification.