
CNL Disciplinary Procedures

The disciplinary procedures of CNC are intended to assist and inform CNL certificants and candidates of the standards relative to professional conduct and discipline. A certificant or candidate for certification agrees to comply at all times to the Standards of Conduct. Please review CNC's Disciplinary and Complaint Policy.

Disciplinary Actions

It is the responsibility of the CNC Board of Commissioners (CNCBOC) to investigate any complaints made against CNLs or someone claiming to be a CNL and if warranted recommend action against such individual’s certification or eligibility to become certified to the CNCBOC Disciplinary Committee.

The CNL Standards of Conduct allows the CNC to define the professional responsibilities and professional behavior for CNLs and CNL candidates. The CNCBOC will take action when there is a clear breach of these standards.

All complaints must be submitted in writing and cannot be made anonymously as the accused has a right to know the identity of the person filing the complaint as well as the particulars surrounding the complaint. Individuals wishing to file a complaint may use the CNC Complaint Form. The complaint form is then submitted via email or fax at:

Attention CNC Disciplinary Committee
Email: cnl@aacnnursing.org

Once a complaint is made, the CNCBOC evaluates the complaint and if it is found to be valid, the complaint is then sent to the Disciplinary Committee where appropriate action is determined. The Disciplinary Committee acts fairly in carrying out its responsibilities to the public and protecting the rights of the accused individual.

If an individual is determined to have violated the CNL Standards of Conduct, the individual will be notified in writing by CNC’s Director of the CNCBOC’s action, the individual’s record will be revised to reflect an inactive status, and their name will be removed from the CNL Directory and/or other listings of active CNLs. In addition, the complainant will be notified of the CNCBOC’s action. Final actions are documented in CNC’s administrative records. 

If an individual has action taken against him or her, they have the right and availability to appeal the decision through the Appeals Committee.